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If something does not work, please have a look at the Logs first. You can find them on the Settings page in the Logs tab. Change the loglevel to Verbose in order to see all messages.

If you think that you've found a bug in TallyArbiter or have a new feature request, feel free to open an Issue in our GitHub Repository.

Access the Logs directly (without the UI)

If you cannot reach the logs via the UI, you can view those files manually. The location depends on the platform you're using:


(%APPDATA% is a variable. You can, however, directly copy that in the address bar of Windows Explorer. The whole path will look something like this: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\TallyArbiter\logs, but you need to replace USERNAME with your username)

(~ points to your home directory. The full path will look something like this: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Preferences/TallyArbiter/logs, but you need to replace USERNAME with your username)
Linux / Raspberry Pi~/.local/share/TallyArbiter/logs

(~ points to your home directory. The full path will look something like this: /Users/USERNAME/.local/share/TallyArbiter/logs, but you need to replace USERNAME with your username)